Sunday, March 22, 2009


Baby, It's You—The Beatles' version—is a song that our band had been doing since before Kim joined. Then we switched to the version by Smith. (Not to be confused by the gay band The Smiths.) I'd never heard of them or this version before, but it's kinda funky and maybe even bluesy. I thought they were a black band, like some Motown crap. Then I saw a picture and was surprised to see they're all white.

So a few days ago when I was talking about Vox guitars, I went downstairs to see if I had this one record that had a groovy cover of some Vox guitars painted like the union jack. I can't remember the name of the band or where I got it. I didn't find it, but I did find one titled Sounds of the Woodstock Era by The Tribes, on the Pickwick label. This is a sound–alike band covering over bands' songs, like a K–tel record. I don't know why, but I pulled the album out and noticed it had 4 records in it. One of them was the Smith album that had that song. Consider my mind blown. I've been hauling that record around for the past 30 years.

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